Annie Proulx on the Joyous Task of Writing

“In the long unfurling of his life, from tight-wound kid hustler in a wool suit riding the train out of Cheyenne to geriatric limper in this spooled-out year, Mero had kicked down thoughts of the place where he began, a so-called ranch on strange ground at the south hinge of the Big Horns.” The above …

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Kelsey Ketch on Finishing Your Novel: I Write Whenever I Can

photo of co-writer

I am honored today to feature an interview with Kelsey Ketch, whose historical young adult novel Death’s Island is represented by Bree Ogden of Martin Literary Management. Kelsey is as generous as she is talented, and I know that her commitment to a writing life will inspire others to finish—or start—whatever work of passion is knocking at your heart’s door.

How do your characters experience time?

“Life is temptation. It’s all about yielding, resisting, yes, no, now, later, impulsive, reflective, present focus and future focus. Promised virtues fall prey to the passions of the moment.” ~ Philip Zimbardo Are your fictional characters stuck, perhaps all on a single plane, moving at the same pace? Is your memoir missing something that you …

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And so it begins…

I’m frustrated. Much of my writing is going well, but one big project continues to elude me: the book based on my great aunt’s diaries. I write snatches and scenes, try out points of view, past and present tense, different voices. I ping pong between thinking the work should be historical fiction, non-fiction, creative non-fiction, …

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Writing the Blizzard of 2011

The blizzard of Twenty Eleven caught few unaware. Eager meteorologists tracked and broadcast in minute detail its conception, gestation and birth, then, like proud parents, kept us apprised of the monstrous infant’s first steps and howls, so that by the time the angry toddler tore through the Midwest, we had already closed our schools and …

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