Planning vs. Doing

Do you regularly set aside time for planning, or, like me, do you sometimes allow planning and deciding to seep into space that should be spent on doing and writing? Natalie Houston has an excellent piece in The Chronicle of Higher Education about her personal productivity tips, including the importance of separating “deciding from doing”: “Over the …

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Prioritizing What Is Important and Non-Urgent

“Generally speaking, having a good work/life balance means that your actions and priorities are aligned in a way that is taking care of what is really important to you.” ~ Stephen R. Covey Several years ago, a family of four lived across from us, and the daughter one day came over for a visit. She …

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Writer Defrag


When you have a lot of clusters your life that you love, but they are all chopped up and spread everywhere.

What are your March writing goals?

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:  when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” ~Charles Dickens (Great Expectations) I love beginnings, change, transitions, especially when the calendar rolls over to a new, fresh, clean month. Or, in the case of …

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Backing Up for a Moment

This is finals week for me and my students, and it happens every quarter: A students arrives to class breathless (or sends an anxiety-ridden email) to say that his hard drive crashed or his laptop froze up or he lost his flash drive, the consequence of which is that no trace remains of his essay/technical …

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