No-Regrets Writing

This post is all about figuring out what it means to “get serious about writing.” It is different for everyone and can vary from simply writing every day to publishing, from sharing our words with a larger audience to taking the time to learn to writer better, from self-publishing to landing an agent. Figuring out what …

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Writing and the Fear of Commitment

Holding Hands

This post could also be titled Don’t Be Afraid to Fall in Love with Your Writing. I’ve come to believe that one reason we resist getting serious about our writing is a fear of commitment. Falling in love is scary. For all of the thrill and romance, we lose a part of ourselves. We are …

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Your Daily Word Count

Get Serious About Writing

What is your daily word count? Welcome to the second day of Get Serious About Writing! Today’s topic is daily word count (or daily pages or lines or whatever other metric you want to use). I used to think that this would fall into place once—well, once everything else had fallen into place. But I had …

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