Coffee and Oranges in a Sunny Chair: Sunday Links for Writers

It’s been awhile since I shared some links for writers, so with the new school year, it seems a good time to get back into the habit. To make it easier to make the habit stick, I’m setting up a post template of sorts (if you are interested in the details of how to do this on, check back in tomorrow). Meanwhile, let’s hit the links!

Sunny OrangeFrom The Book Designer: This Week in Blogs

The Book Designer has one of the best weekly blog round-ups around, with a focus on self-publishing. Even if you aren’t interested in indie authorship, you will find here useful information about the philosophy and craft and marketing of being a writer.

From The Morning News: The List Maker

I am a late bloomer when it comes to realizing the value of lists, and I’m fascinated by “natural list makers” and want to learn their secrets. At The Morning News, Jessica Gross muses on lists and list makers:

Since January 2010, I have saved 153 to-do lists on my computer. There is a list of books read in the past decade (annotated), a list of books I want to read (ever-expanding), a list of movies to watch (slower-growing). There is a list of great quotations, a list of great websites, a list of rejections I received in college, and a list entitled “Things I Do,” which at that time included a writing group, a cooking class, two book clubs, and volunteering. There is also a list entitled “Things I Love.” On this one: the subway, running outside, “radio/podcasts,” books, apples, and, indeed, making lists.

CuppaJane Friedman Interviewed by StoryWonk

If you are as much of a Jane Friedman fan as I am, you will want to listen to her recent podcast interview on StoryWonk, where she discusses, among other things, finding that sweet spot between writing and marketing.

Coffee House Press

The Sept. 1 – Oct. 31 reading period for Coffee House Press has just begun, so if you have a literary novel, full-length short story collection, collection of poetry, essay collection, or memoir, you might want to check out their submission guidelines. Online submissions are encouraged.

Wooden ChairFinding and Using Public Domain Photographs

When I was looking for public domain photographs to include in Oscar’s Gift learning how to use them effectively and legally, this online guide to public domain materials was very useful. Photography and history buffs, enjoy!

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