Today I travel to Seattle for SENG’s annual conference, something I’ve been looking forward to for months. If time and WiFi permit, I may do a little micro-blogging from the conference.
Meanwhile, since it’s been rather quiet here recently as I’ve been preparing for the trip, this is a quick cross-post on both sites to catch up.
First, be sure to visit Writing Up an Appetite for a tasty essay on “literary food” titled “Topfenkolatsche: My perfect metaphor” by writer extraordinaire E. Victoria Flynn. Also, we could really use some Google Followers as we launch this new group blog, so, if you are so inclined… 🙂 Thanks in advance!
My second Psychology Today blog post is about how inner conflict can not only be “normal” but may be a sign of mental health and personal growth for some teens (and adults). I’m sure we can all take some comfort in that thought.
Reading update: I recently finished A Game of Thrones (the rest of the books in the series will have arrived by the time I return to Milwaukee), Tony Judt’s The Memory Chalet (touching essays written during his final months), and Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express (I was surprised to realize I hadn’t read it before now).
Time to pack. I hope to see some of you in Seattle!
Have a safe trip!!